Friday, May 17, 2013

The blog won't be...

...updated anymore this year. As you know, I'm on a leave of absence for the remainder of
the school year. Mr. Van can help you with any questions you have. I appreciate all your
patience and support, and I miss you all.

Ms. Ware

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

F451 Allusions: Pt. 1, "Hearth and the Salamander"

Click on the link at the top for help with the allusions in Part 1.
Get familiar with them!

Monday, May 6, 2013

"The Fifties"

Use these links to clarify terms you aren't familiar with. Since these links will explain things you might not be familiar with historically (comprehension level questions), try to write some open-ended higher level thinking questions for your Five Fantastic Q's. Examples:

  • How was it possible that... ?
  • What happened to ... ?
  • Is this still... ?
  • What if... ?


Korean War

The Cold War

House Committe on Un-American Activities

Joseph McCarthy



Thursday, May 2, 2013

"The Veldt"

On Monday, please have your story read and fully annotated. Answer your questions thoroughly and in complete sentences.

You'll have a comprehension and vocabulary quiz on Monday, be prepared. Know:
--Characters in the story
--Plot of the story
--Vocabulary below (see flashcards)*

*The definition for neurotic should read: ...disorder (I forgot the last "r"!).