Monday, December 3, 2012

Week of Dec. 3-7

HW for this week:

Due Tuesday, Dec. 4
LLA, pg. 40, 6-9, complete sentences (JE #30/Left)
LLA, pg. 54, 6-13, complete sentences (JE #30/Right)
Due Wednesday, Dec. 5
Due Thursday, Dec. 6
Due Friday, Dec. 7
Speeches begin/Hand in FD essay.
It's ok if your FD  essay is different that your speech; you may have made modifications.

Kim's Advice:

1. Memorize your speech.
 --If you memorize it and don't need your speech or cards at all = 5 pts. EC
 --It's perfectly ok to have your speech or cards, though.
 --Have speech @ 14-16 font/double spaced/one side only.
 --It's ok to track on the page with your index finger so you keep your place.

 2. Before you begin your speech, take a breath. Walk with purpose. Don't rush; shoulders back. 

3. The two most important lines are your opening and closing line. 

4. When you finish, step back from the music stand and say, "Thank you." Fake it if you don't feel like it. Keep your head up!

 5. Use your nervousness as positive energy. 

6. Excellence requires risk: At home, practice jumping, hula hooping, etc. because it makes you take a risk. Once you've done that, you'll be more comfortable when you give the actual speech. 

7. WWW of Public Speaking: Who? Why? Why now? 

8. Shoes matter. Wear "attitude" shoes.

 9. If you tend to play with your hair, put it back or up.

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