Saturday, March 23, 2013

Projects Due Date Postponed till Tuesday, 3/26

I have to be out again on Monday, so your projects will be due on



Thank you for your flexibility!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Flash Cards for Friday's Shakespeare Quiz

The Globe Theater

Shakspeare Project Information

Projects are due: Monday, March 25.

I will be checking in with your groups periodically before March 25.
You won't have time in class to do this project, so plan ahead.


You will have an individual and a group grade: each is 100 pts. (200 pts. total).

Group Rubric:
_______(5) Everyone participates equally
_______(5) Effort
_______(5) Creativity
_______(5) Thoroughness

_______(20 x 5 = 100)

Individual Rubric:

_______(5) I made myself available for group meetings.
_______(5) I treated my group members with respect.
_______(5) I didn't procrastinate on my part of the project.
_______(5) I completely followed through on my commitment to the group effort.

_______(20 x 5 = 100

Important Information:

  • You can choose any of the projects listed below, or come up with your own.
  • Please see me before starting a project not listed here.
  • I will be adding information (links, examples, etc..) to the tabs at the top called for information that will help you if you're trying out new media.
  • Don't hesitate to email me, but please use after 4 PM. I don't check email after 9 PM, by the way
Possible Project Ideas:
  • Costumes in Shakespeare's Plays
  • The Globe Theater
  • Comic Book 
  • Shakespeare's Scrapbook
  • Create an illustrated dictionary of common Elizabethan/Shakespearean words and phrases with their modern English translations
  • Elizabethan Music, especially the songs included in Shakespeare’s plays
  • Elizabethan Food
  • Shakespeare Trading Cards
  • New idea: a game? An online game we could play on the smart board? An animated game? The goal would be to teach us information about your specific topic.
  • Other???

Character Chart: MND

In JE #59/left and right, create a character chart of your own design. 

Since this chart is for your benefit, do it in a way that's going to help you remember who's who.

This link will take you to information about them:

For each character, include:
  • The basic info from the first sentence in the character's description.
  • A drawing of how you think the character might look
  • If applicable, a drawing of a symbol that you could associate with the character (based on the info on this page). For example, the first sentence about Hippolyta says she's "The legendary queen of the Amazons." So, you might draw a crown.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Videos in class: Wed., 3/13

 Elizabethan Theater

Here's the link to the other video:

Week of March 11-15

Due Tuesday, 3/12
--Work on your line. Know what it means, and memorize it if you    can.
--Finish Translation Practice (1-20) and Dialogue
Due Wednesday, 3/13
--Go to blog and check out the list of topics for your Shakspeare 
--Come to class with three possible ideas.
Due Thursday, 3/14
--Character Chart for MND. Go to this link:
  for the information. Go to post for Character Chart: MND
  for instructions.
Due Friday, 3/15
  Quiz on Elizabethan Theater videos we watched on Wed. in class.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

If you absent today...

...please email me before 8 PM so I can give you the password to watch the Shakespeare videos we watched in class. I can't put them on the blog for legal/copyright reasons.


Happy last day of the trimester tomorrow!

Monday, March 4, 2013

HW for the Week of March. 4-March 8

Attention! This is very important:

  • Please check your grades on Zangle to see if I've updated your FFA essay grade since you did your rewrite.
  • Check all other grades, as well.
  • I will make changes and corrections as long as you have the proof that validates the change.
  • Deadline for changes is Thursday, March 7

Due Tuesday, 3/5
  • Final day to turn in Pick-a-Piece.
  • Bring it to me before school or put it in my box in the main office, please.

Due Wed., 3/6
PBL's due!
Due Thurs., 3/7
List of 10: Find 10 facts about Shakepeare
Due Fri., 3/8

Saturday, March 2, 2013


The Pick-a-Piece assignment is a way for you to take a piece of  writing I have not yet entered in the grade book (except for HW credit) and revise it so it's a potential portfolio piece. It's a chance to write one final piece this trimester that you get to choose (instead of having me assign a new piece).

I haven't entered writing grades for:
  • technology story
  • lit letter
  • Algernon's POV
  • Dust Bowl letter  
I've asked you to email the piece so I can give you feedback before you revise.  You don't have to, but
your chances of earning the best grade possible are probably higher if you do send it.

Because a few of you have indicated you aren't clear about the assignment, I'll accept your final drafts
until Tuesday. However, the deadline for emailing me for feedback is Sunday at 5 PM. I won't have time after that because I have to work on finalizing your grades.

I hope that clears up any problems about this assignment!