Saturday, March 2, 2013


The Pick-a-Piece assignment is a way for you to take a piece of  writing I have not yet entered in the grade book (except for HW credit) and revise it so it's a potential portfolio piece. It's a chance to write one final piece this trimester that you get to choose (instead of having me assign a new piece).

I haven't entered writing grades for:
  • technology story
  • lit letter
  • Algernon's POV
  • Dust Bowl letter  
I've asked you to email the piece so I can give you feedback before you revise.  You don't have to, but
your chances of earning the best grade possible are probably higher if you do send it.

Because a few of you have indicated you aren't clear about the assignment, I'll accept your final drafts
until Tuesday. However, the deadline for emailing me for feedback is Sunday at 5 PM. I won't have time after that because I have to work on finalizing your grades.

I hope that clears up any problems about this assignment!

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