Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Shakspeare Project Information

Projects are due: Monday, March 25.

I will be checking in with your groups periodically before March 25.
You won't have time in class to do this project, so plan ahead.


You will have an individual and a group grade: each is 100 pts. (200 pts. total).

Group Rubric:
_______(5) Everyone participates equally
_______(5) Effort
_______(5) Creativity
_______(5) Thoroughness

_______(20 x 5 = 100)

Individual Rubric:

_______(5) I made myself available for group meetings.
_______(5) I treated my group members with respect.
_______(5) I didn't procrastinate on my part of the project.
_______(5) I completely followed through on my commitment to the group effort.

_______(20 x 5 = 100

Important Information:

  • You can choose any of the projects listed below, or come up with your own.
  • Please see me before starting a project not listed here.
  • I will be adding information (links, examples, etc..) to the tabs at the top called for information that will help you if you're trying out new media.
  • Don't hesitate to email me, but please use after 4 PM. I don't check email after 9 PM, by the way
Possible Project Ideas:
  • Costumes in Shakespeare's Plays
  • The Globe Theater
  • Comic Book 
  • Shakespeare's Scrapbook
  • Create an illustrated dictionary of common Elizabethan/Shakespearean words and phrases with their modern English translations
  • Elizabethan Music, especially the songs included in Shakespeare’s plays
  • Elizabethan Food
  • Shakespeare Trading Cards
  • New idea: a game? An online game we could play on the smart board? An animated game? The goal would be to teach us information about your specific topic.
  • Other???

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