Monday, April 15, 2013

Questions for MND: Act 4 and 5

Please answer the questions in complete sentences in your journal  (JE #65/left and write). If you want credit, write thorough responses. Superficial responses won't cut it!

If you're really struggling, try this link:

Act 4:

1. How does Titania respond when Oberon asks for the fairy child this time? What does this reveal about the strength of the love potion?

2. How do most of the dreamers respond to the dream experience upon waking? Which character is changed permanently by the dream experience? Explain your answer.

3. How does Theseus's current decision regarding Hermia and Lysander contradict his earlier statement?

4. The fourth act opens and ends with Bottom at center stage. What's your opinion of Bottom's character. In what ways is he the antithesis, or opposite, of Theseus's character?

5. In this act, several characters look back at prior infatuations with disbelief. What do you think Shakespeare is saying about love and infatuation? Does it hold true today?

Act 5:
1. What does Theseus think of the lovers' adventure? Is this a reaction you'd expect from Theseus? Why or why not? Explain your answer.

2. Why does Hippolyta seem hesitant to watch the play? What does this reveal about her character?

3. Why does Snug, the lion, make a fuss about proclaiming his true identity?

4. In reading the play-within-a-play, we become the audience for the drama played out by Theseus, Hippolyta, and the others. These performers, in turn, form the audience for the reenactment of Pyramus and Thisbe. How does observing another audience help you understand the relationship between audience and performers?

5. TV shows often create comic effects by having a silly, innocent, or "clueless" character and a sarcastic, knowing, clever character play off of each other. What examples from TV shows can you think of that
use this dynamic to create comedy?

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