Tuesday, September 18, 2012

IMPORTANT: Corrections/Clarifications: "Story of an Hour"

ON your "SOH" questions, please make the following corrections on your questions:
  • 5. What are some of the things Josephine Louise sees when she looks out of the window in her room?
  • 7. What affect does this arrival have on Josephine Louise?
  • The first bullet on #10 asks: In what ways is this an ironic statement?
  • #11 asks: What is ironic about the ending of this story?
Consider the statement by itself, in isolation for #10; think about it in terms of the whole story on #11. It's a tough one, but give it a try.


Irony has nothing to do with irons.

Learn this now:Irony and coincidence are not the same thing.

Irony is a challenging concept because it deals with expectations and opposites. It's one of the most important literary terms, so if you can master it this year, fabulous!

Review today's handout for the three types of irony. Then take this quiz, and see how you do:

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