Wednesday, September 5, 2012

L/T HW Questions

Please answer the following questions in your journal (JE #2/left & right).

  • If you want credit, make sure to answer in complete sentences.Your answers need to be thorough. 
  • Dig deep! Go beyond the surface.
  • Make sure to answer all parts of the question.

1. Most stories end with a resolution that ties up all loose ends. This one ends at the climax (emotional high point of the story). Give two reasons the author might have chosen to end it this way.

2. Since the king loved his daughter dearly, why do you think he threw her lover in prison?

3. Do you think the king’s system of justice is fair? Why or why not?

4. Why do you think this story was so wildly popular when it appeared in The Century magazine in 1882?

5. What books, movies, songs, or TV shows have you read or seen that have this theme of
having to choose the lesser of two evils?

6. If you were to make a movie of this story, which actors/actresses would you cast in the roles of the king, the princess, the lady, and young man, and the tiger? Where would you have the story take place, and in which time period?

7. Which do you think came out of the door: the lady, or the tiger?

8. Mr. Stockton died in 1902. Imagine he left specific instructions for YOU to
write a possible ending to the story, but the ending would have to be limited to 100 words.


Write a conclusive ending to the story. To the best of your ability, maintain the language and style of the story as your write.

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