Monday, January 7, 2013

Week of Jan. 7 - Jan. 11

Due Tuesday, Jan. 8
In JE #34/right, rewrite the love letter from Zelda to Egore (below, in blue) correctly. There aren't any spelling errors, just punctuation problems. 
Due Wednesday, Jan. 9
JE #35/left: Proofreading Practice for a Partner:
  • write  a minimum 100 words
  • paragraph of any topic
  • leave out caps & punctuation but don't misspell words
Due Thursday, Jan. 10
JE #36/Left & Right: RD Lit letter to a Classmate
(If you're absent from class on Wed., write the letter to me.)
Due Friday, Jan. 11
FD Lit Letter

Lit Letter to a Classmate:
At least 25o words
  1. Write a letter to _______ about the book you’re reading. Include the following info:
  2. Tell me the following about your book: --title --author --# of pgs. --genre
  3. Write a one-sentence summary of the plot.
  4. Describe the main conflict of the story.
  5. Describe the main character and tell me:                                                                                              
           --three character traits
           --physical appearance
           --Would you want this person for a friend? Why or why not?
           --Draw him/her

dear egore i want a boyfriend who knows what love is all about you are generous kind and thoughtful people who are not like you admit to being silly and  immature you have ruined me for other boyfriends I miss for you I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart I can be forever happy will you let me be yours zelda

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